While this approach is an outgrowth of insight meditation and early Buddhist teachings, we value and incorporate the principles of western psychology and creativity into our mentorship and training. It is important to us that we, along with our mentees, lead an ethical and internally congruent life while deepening our understanding of meditation and dharma practice through reflection and self-compassion.
these modules are…
mentorship for individuals while training, in small groups or one on one
a chance to deepen your practice and pass what you learn along to others
a collaborative, relational model of mentorship and training
these modules are not…
taught by renowned Buddhist teachers that can grant you transmission to a specific lineage

This is an individualized process where we will work together on developing your training – keeping in mind your goals, learning styles, and the groups settings where you will teach:
• You have primary responsibility to keep your learning and mentoring process vital.
• You will have a primary teacher in this agreement, and access to other Reflective Meditation teachers.
• The ‘suggested monthly support’ is between $60 – $200. If you cannot afford the lowest amount, please let us know and we will make other arrangements.

We will provide
• Individual supervision and consultation.
• Online mentorship modules taught in retreat format.
• Reflective activities, study materials and resources.
• Online retreats. Residential retreats to resume when possible.

Your part
• Maintain a regular Reflective Meditation practice.
• Attend mentorship modules.
• Study dharma by listening to talks, reading articles and books.
• Reflect and consult upon your teaching experiences.
• Commit to ethical conduct and understanding power dynamics.

To enter mentorship, you will need to have:
• Two years practice in Reflective Meditation
• Retreat experience
• An aspiration and intention to teach
• Good interpersonal and communication skills
• Follow through and commitment
• Generosity for the teachings
For completion of mentorship, you will need to participate in the modules and reflective activities, and demonstrate the following:
*Contact Linda Modaro (linda@satisangha.org) to set up a time to speak before registering.
**Sati Sangha has been approved as a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, and relies solely on support and donations to continue our dharma teaching.